Item | 26222 |
UDC Class: | 55 (673) |
Title: | Nota Sobre Reconhecimentos Geol�gicos nas Forma��es de C�cuva, Gola e Chiu�ca, Regi�o Andulo (Note on Geological Survey of the C�cuva, Gola and Chiu�ca Formations, Andulo Region) |
Subtitle: | |
Language: | Portuguese |
Subjects: | Geology, Survey |
Publisher’s Name: | Direc��o Provincial dos Servi�os de Geologia e Minas |
Place of Publication: | Lisbon, Portugal |
Author: | Cam�es Costa, M. H. |
Material Extent: | 6pp plus one map (1:2,000,000) |
Material Type: | Perfect bound |
Country Now: | Angola |
Map Scale: | 2000000 |