The World Soil Survey Archive and Catalogue, or WOSSAC, is one of the key facilities of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC), incorporating the former National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI), at Cranfield University, UK. We are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources. CEC is a centre within Cranfield's School of Water, Energy and Environment, leading Cranfield's research on soil. The WOSSAC collection contains soil-related materials accumulated over the many years of soils activity at Cranfield, from NSRI and its predecessor organisations, the Soil Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC) and before that the Soil Survey of England and Wales (SSEW). The materials have arisen via reciprocal sharing arrangement with parallel survey organisations, from personal donations, and from a number of significant institutional donations, foremost amongst which is the collection from HTSPE (DAI), and most recently the Booker Tate soils collection.
This website presents the public face of the WOSSAC archive, explaining the many unique holdings of the collection. Where possible we are making our materials available online in digitised form. If there are fees applicable for their access, then these are made on a cost-recovery basis only. The materials we hold are directly applicable to many contemporary development and environmental issues, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the monitoring of environmental changes, and the underpinning of research in Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital.
WOSSAC is the registered trademark ® of Cranfield University. To learn more about our wider soils work at Cranfield University, visit our Land Information System (LandIS) web portal at, or our centre web page at
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To cite WOSSAC, please use the academic reference:
Hallett, S.H., Sakrabani, R., Keay, C.A. and Hannam, J.A. (2017) Developments in Land Information Systems: Case studies in land resource management capabilities and options. Soil Use and Management. doi: 10.1111/sum.12380.
To cite the WOSSAC website:
Commencing in January, 2004, Cranfield University’s ‘World Soil Survey Archive and Catalogue’ (WOSSAC) project aims to develop an archive and catalogue of all substantial soil surveys and reports made overseas, with particular reference to those by British companies and personnel, to provide a safe repository for endangered copies, and to make the accrued information available for consultation by interested parties.
Every effort is taken to respect the Copyright of the materials within the WOSSAC archive, where identification of the holders of the Copyright is clear, and to contact, where possible, the originators.
Whilst such effort has been taken to contact the originators and Copyright holders of the articles held in WOSSAC, if you believe you are the Copyright holder, or know of the Copyright holder, please contact the WOSSAC office via our contact form (please indicate the item reference number concerned).
Cranfield implies no transfer of Copyright or ownership to persons using the Archive resources. Cranfield advises archive users to respect Copyright and to either use materials for their own personal reference, or where used, to do so with full acknowledgement and citation details. Details on citing WOSSAC itself are given above.
Errors and omissions excluded
Presented below are online links to other online sources of worldwide soils information.
Other Cranfield University web resources
The National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI), is now fully part of Cranfield University’s Environment Centre, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.
LandIS - Cranfield University's Land Information System
CatchIS - Cranfield University's Catchment Information System
Soil-Net Educational Soils Portal - free online educational resources for school students, teachers and parents
Other web resources of relevance
British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)
Tropical Agriculture Association (TAA)
ISRIC - World Soil Information
European Digital Archive on Soil Maps of the World (EuDASM)
IRD France, Institut de Recherche pour le développement
International Union of Soil Scientists (IUSS)
If you would like to add a link, or wish to have a link changed, please contact us