There are three modes of searching records in the WOSSAC archive, a Quick search, an Advanced search and a spatial map-based search.
Enter your search criteria in either the Quick or the Advanced catalogue search boxes. Search strings are not case sensitive. so 'SoIl' is the same as ‘SOIL’ and ‘soil’. The search should return a set of records matching your criteria. You can then either ‘drill down’ into the record to see the details, or commence another search. Do note that the ‘Quick search’ looks across a number of catalogue fields in the database, trying to match your phrase. If at first a result may not seem to make sense, then drilling down into the record will show where the match was made. For more precise searches, use the ‘Advanced search’ option, where you can search against criteria. Note that is you spot any errors or omissions in the entries, there is a reporting tool available in each item's detailed page to let you report this to the WOSSAC team.
The Map search allows you to select items by geographical region. Note that not all catalogue items have geographical coordinates recorded, so use the full site-wide search option if you wish to search across all the items in the whole catalogue.
Note, seeing the icon against records returned means there is a full download available online.
To list the entire catalogue, leave the search field empty and select submit. See the instructions for further help.
Make a detailed search of the whole archive
Note, seeing the icon against records returned means there is a full download available online.
Records returned will match all the criteria entered. See the instructions for further help.
Make a geographical search of the whole archive. Use the WOSSAC Territory Mapping tool to see the location of all WOSSAC acquisitions with a recorded latitude and longitude. This tool allows you to select a territory of interest and to then see all the items for that location. Note that not all WOSSAC items have a location recorded and so the map returned shows only that subset of the catalogue that do, whereas the text searches provided above do search through the entire archive catalogue.