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Item 26219
UDC Class:55 (673)
Title:Estudio Geol�gico e Petrol�gico do Maci�o Alcalino-Carbonat�tico do Quicuco, Angola (Geological and Petrological Studies of the Alkaline-Carbonatite Complex of Quicuco, Angola)
Subjects:Geology, Petrology
Publication Date:1968
Publisher’s Name:Junta de Investiga��es do Ultramar
Place of Publication:Lisbon, Portugal
Author:Matos Alves, C. A.
Material Extent:153pp plus 32pp photos and one map (1:25,000)
Material Characteristics:Text in Portuguese, Abstract also in English
Material Type:Perfect bound
Summary Abstract:This paper deals with the geological and petrographic studies of the alkaline-carbonatite complex of Tchivira and Bonga, near the village of Quicuco.
Country Now:Angola
Map Scale:25000

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