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Item 1532
UDC Class:631.4 (678)
Title:The Rufiji Basin, Tanganyika
Subtitle:Report to the government of Tanganyika on the Preliminary reconnaissance survey of the Rufiji Basin. Volume VII Soils of the Main Irrigable areas
Subjects:Soil Survey, Land Evaluation, Land Suitability, Soil Classification
Publisher’s Name:Food and Agricultural Organisation and Department of Agriculture, Tanganyika
Place of Publication:Tanganyika
Project Sponsor:Food and Agricultural Organisation and Department of Agriculture, Tanganyika
Author:Anderson, B. et al.
Material Extent:159p Report, 1 A3 insert
Material Characteristics:Photocopy of typewritten report with photmicrographs (poor), tables, charts and fold out map
Material Type:Ring bound
Summary Abstract:The results of a reconnaissance soil survey of certain lands in the Rufiji Basin, Tanganyika. The objective of the survey was to find land on which the waters of the River Rufiji and its tributaries could be used for irrigated cropping.
Country Then:Tanganyika
Country Now:Tanzania
Region:Rufiji Basin
Document File:  (43.72 Mb) 

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