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Item 756
UDC Class:631.4:626.8 (567)
Title:Reclamation of salt-affected soils in Iraq
Subtitle:Soil hydrological and agricultural studies
Subjects:soil, hydrology, salinity, alkalinity, agriculture, reclamation, drainage, irrigation, economics
Series Title:IILRI Reports
Series Section Number:11
Publication Date:1963
Publisher’s Name:International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement
Place of Publication:Wageningen, The Netherlands
Project Sponsor:Ministry of Development, Iraq
Author:Dieleman, P.J. (editor)
Material Extent:175 pages
Material Characteristics:Printed book
Material Type:Perfect bound; paper covers
Summary Abstract:General account of salinity and its occurrence in the soils of Iraq, amelioration of salinity, effects of salinity on cropping, principles of leaching and irrigation in saline soils, relevant calculations
Country Now:Iraq
Nearest City:Baghdad

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