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Item 496
UDC Class:631.4(676.2)
Title:Geology of the Kasigau-Kurase Area
Subtitle:Geological Survey of Kenya - Report No. 51
Subjects:Geological Survey, Geological Sediments, Rock Formations, Geological Time, Economic Geology, Distribution of Minerals, Water Supplies.
Series Title:Geological Survey of Kenya
Series Section Number:Report No. 51
Publication Date:1962
Publisher’s Name:Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Mines and Geological Department, Kenya.
Place of Publication:Nairobi, Kenya
Project Sponsor:Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Government - Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Mines and Geological Department.
Corporate Author:Mines and Geological Department.
Author:Saggerson, E.P., et al.
Material Extent:64p Report, 2 map sheets to rear
Material Characteristics:Typewritten report with tables and maps with legends and cross-sectional diagrams.
Material Accompanying:Geological Survey of Kenya, Report No. 51
Material Type:Perfect bound report with paper maps.
Summary Abstract:This report presents the findings of a geological reconnaissance survey undertaken in 1955 in the Kasigau-Kurase Area, in the Coast Province of Kenya. The objective of the survey was treefold: 1. to search for mineral deposits of economic values; 2. the evaluation of the Durama Sandstone sediments as a source of oil; and 3. to examine the same sediments for coal-bearing strata. An account of water-supply is also given.The results of the survey are accompanied, and illustrated, by two maps, at 1:125,000 scale, which, also, include cross-sectional diagrams of selected sites. The maps are: 1. Geological Map of the Kasigau Area (Directorate of Colonial Surveys, Sheet No. 196); and 2. Geological Map of the Area South of the Taita Hills (Directorate of Colonial Surveys, Sheet No. 195 & part of Sheet No. 189).
Country Now:Kenya
Region:East Africa - Kasigau-Kurase Area of Kenya
Nearest City:Maungu
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):-3.4
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):-4.166
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees):39
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees):38
Map Sheet:Sheet 195 & part of Sheet 180; Sheet 196
Map Scale:125000
Document File:     WOSSAC_496.pdf  (16.13 Mb) 

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