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Item 495
UDC Class:631.474 (676.2)
Title:Geology of the area South of the Taita Hills
Subtitle:Report No. 49
Subjects:Soil Survey, Land Classification, Land Resources
Publication Date:1960
Publisher’s Name:Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Dept of Agriculture
Place of Publication:Nairobi, Kenya
Project Sponsor:Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Government of the United States
Author:Walsh, J.
Material Extent:30p Report, 2 map sheets to rear
Material Characteristics:Typewritten report with tables and maps
Material Type:Perfect bound
Summary Abstract:Soil survey of the area South of the Taita Hills, Kenya. Notes are given on occurrences of garnets, graphite, ilmenite, kyanite and sillimanite and limestone and of their economic possibilities. Water supplies are also assessed.
Country Now:Kenya
Region:South of the Taita Hills
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):-3.5
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):-4
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees):38.5
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees):38
Map Scale:125000
Document File:     WOSSAC_495.pdf  (10.34 Mb) 

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