UDC Class: | 631.473 (678) |
Title: | Provisional Soil Map of East Africa (Tanganyika) |
Subtitle: | |
Language: | English |
Subjects: | Catena, Soil map |
Publication Date: | 1936 |
Publisher’s Name: | Department of Agriculture |
Place of Publication: | Amani, Tanganyika |
Project Sponsor: | Government of Tanganyika |
Author: | G.Milne |
Material Extent: | Single sheet map with text |
Material Characteristics: | Hand drawn map and hand written text |
Material Type: | Single sheet in pocket folder |
Summary Abstract: | The soil map highlights 4 areas in Tanganyika mapped as Catena Associations. These are Catena are shown as N.W. Bakoba, Tabora, Usukuma and Ugalla River Basin. The accompanying text is a note on Plateau Soils, Red Earths and Black or Gray Clay.This map can be seen in colour in the 1948 Atlas of Tanganyika, Sheet #4. The Notes in the Atlas are more comprehensive. |
Country Then: | Tanganyika |
Country Now: | Tanzania |
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees): | -0.5 |
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees): | -12.1 |
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees): | 40.1 |
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees): | 28.5 |
Map Scale: | 4000000 |
Document File: | 44922_Tanganyika_1936_800dpi.JPG (8.97 Mb) |
Thumbnail: | ![](/downloads/44922_Tanganyika_1936_800dpi.thumb.jpg) |
![Topographical location of the item 'Provisional Soil Map of East Africa (Tanganyika)' (44922)](https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer/export?bbox=40.1,-12.1,28.5,-0.5&bboxSR=4326&size=600,400&f=image&dpi=200)
![Satellite imagery of location of the item 'Provisional Soil Map of East Africa (Tanganyika)' (44922)](https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/export?bbox=40.1,-12.1,28.5,-0.5&bboxSR=4326&size=600,400&f=image&dpi=200) |