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Item 37417
UDC Class:631.442 (683.4)
Title:Soil Map of Swaziland
Subtitle:Southern Sheet
Subjects:Soil Survey, Soil Classification, Soil Sets, Soil Series, Soil Profile Features.
Publication Date:1968
Publisher’s Name:Permanent Secretary for Agriculture (Mbabane).
Place of Publication:Mbabane
Project Sponsor:Ministry of Agriculture, Mbabane
Corporate Author:Ministry of Agriculture, Mbabane
Author:Murdoch, G. et al
Material Extent:One map sheet of 2.
Material Characteristics:Printed colour paper map with legend and location map.
Material Accompanying:"Soils and Land Capability in Swaziland", Ministry of Agriculture Bulletins 23-25; G. Murdoch, 1968.
Material Type:Loose map sheet in map cabinet
Summary Abstract:This map forms part of a set of 2 coloured soil maps (Northern & Southern Sheets), covering the territory of (now) Eswatini. Southern Sheet, at 1:125,000 scale, covers the southern half of the country, and depicts the distribution of 32 soil sets, based mainly on modal series within each soil set and broad soil mapping units.The base map shows the location of towns, villages, road and railway network, international and district boundaries, rivers and other topographic features.See also Wossac Id: 37418 (Northern Sheet), 45896 & 45897
Country Then:Swaziland
Country Now:Eswatini
Region:South East Africa
Nearest City:Sidvokodvo
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):-26.5
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):-27.319
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees):32.125
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees):30.8055
Map Sheet:Southern Sheet
Map Scale:125000
Document File:     37417.jpg  (55.35 Mb) 

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