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Item 202
UDC Class:631.4 (881)
Title:Report on the Soil Survey Project British Guiana
Subtitle:Volume IV Semi-detailed soil survey of the Mahaica-Mahaicony-Abary area
Subjects:Soil Survey
Publication Date:1966
Publisher’s Name:Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Place of Publication:Rome, Italy
Project Sponsor:United Nations Special Fund
Material Extent:105p Report, 7 Map sheets in rear
Material Characteristics:Typewritten report with tables, figures and maps at rear
Material Accompanying:see Item198-201, 203
Material Type:Perfect bound
Summary Abstract:Soil Survey Project British in seven volumes. A summary table of this WOSSAC material is being prepared for inclusion on the WOSSAC website under country summaries. This volume (IV) is semi0detial mapping with both soil and land capability maps. The accompanying volumes have: a General Soil Map at scale 1:1M,and report , Vol VII (#44996) :Reconnaissance level mapping at at scale 1:500,00 in two parts ( Vol III (#35007 & 35008); and semi -detailed mapping at a number of locations at scale 1:60,000. Both the reconnaissance and semi --detailed mapping have both soil and land capability maps. All maps are coloured with a legend
Country Then:British Guiana
Country Now:Guyana
Region:Mahaica-Mahaicony-Abaray area
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):6.5
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):6.08
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees):-57.5
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees):-57.9
Map Scale:60000

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