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Item 201
UDC Class:631.4 (881)
Title:Report on the Soil Survey Project British Guiana
Subtitle:Volume V. Semi-detailed soil survey of the Canje area
Subjects:Soil Survey
Series Title:Soil Survey project of British Guiana
Publication Date:1966
Publisher’s Name:Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Place of Publication:Rome, Italy
Project Sponsor:United Nations Special Fund
Material Extent:112p Report, 10 Map sheets in rear
Material Characteristics:Typewritten report with tables, figures and maps at rear
Material Accompanying:see Item 198- 200, 202,203
Material Type:Perfect bound
Summary Abstract:Soil Survey Project British Guiana undertaken by FAO during the 1960s is in seven volumes. A summary table of this WOSSAC material is being prepared for inclusion on the WOSSAC website under country summaries. This volume (V) is semi-detailed mapping of the Canje area and the accompanying maps are in five sheets. Other volumes are : a General Soil Map at scale 1:1M,and report (#44996) :Reconnaissance level mapping at at scale 1:500,00 in two parts (#35007 & 35008); and semi -detailed mapping at a number of locations at scale 1:60,000. Both the reconnaissance and semi --detailed mapping have both soil and land capability maps. All maps are coloured with a legend
Country Then:British Guiana
Country Now:Guyana
Region:Canje area
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):5.6
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):5.3
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees):-57
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees):-57.5
Map Scale:60000

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