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Item 19835
UDC Class:631.471 (676.2)
Title:Soils of the Kapenguira Area
Subtitle:Kenya Reconnaissance Soil Survey, Quarter Degree Sheet 75
Subjects:soil survey, geology, land use, altitude, vegetation, geomorphology, sheet and gulley erosion hazard, soils, profile pits
Series Title:Kenya Reconnaissance Soil Survey
Publication Date:1976
Publisher’s Name:National Agricultural Laboratories, Ministry of Agriculture
Place of Publication:Nairobi, Kenya
Project Sponsor:Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya
Author:H.F. Gelens, H.C.K. Kinyanjui and R.F. van de Weg
Material Extent:Stapled and bound, 168pp plus 5 loose maps and tables
Material Accompanying:5 loose maps and tables
Summary Abstract:Soil survey of Kenya, Kapenguira Area. Maps show geology, present land use (1976), altitude, vegetation, geomorphology, sheet and gulley erosion hazard, soils and location of profile pits and other observations.
Country Now:Kenya
Northernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):1.5183329999999999
Southernmost Latitude (decimal degrees):1.0027779999999999
Easternmost Longitude (decimal degrees):35.522221999999999
Westernmost Longitude (decimal degrees):35.005555999999999
Map Scale:50000
Document File:     WOSSAC_19835.pdf  (59.36 Mb) 

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