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Item 1525
UDC Class:631.4 (666.2)
Title:Coffee and Cocoa development program
Subtitle:Pedological Maps
Subjects:Soil Survey, Coffee, Cocoa, Land Classification, Agricultural Potential
Publication Date:1976
Publisher’s Name:Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Liberia
Project Sponsor:Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Liberia
Material Extent:Map folder with 24 map sheets. 8 area have a cutline map, soils map & fitness for farming map.
Material Characteristics:Map sheets
Material Type:Perfect bound (falling appart)
Summary Abstract:Outline map, soils map and fitness for framing maps is provided for the following areas: Zwedru, Plahn, M'baloma, Bopolu, Compound II, Palala, Taleta and Bahm.
Country Now:Liberia
Map Scale:10000

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